Rabu, 25 November 2015


Many people complain, why is the government as less responsive to citizens, in fact the Government has done as citizens want, but there are people seeking its own advantage by taking little or part of the grant to enter personal bag them, help is often not up mostly financial funds , is one of them:
 The central government surveys for beneficiaries by asking the local government and government daerahpun sent a survey to the district and the district ordered the survey to the district level and this is where the estuary of the program one of the objectives of incoming funds at the village level often unfairly survey looks carelessly because no assistance from district and district levels so that many people who should get assistance but received no assistance whereas they are in fact the economy is able or their relatives from the village officials, the survey should involve the local government in order to avoid abuses by officials of the village.
 In receipt of assistance at school are also almost the same, here is categorized to help was the son of a village officials also their relatives, here students who are minorities often do not get help at school, it is also evidence of inequity in the provision of assistance to citizens who less fortunate.

Each grant given by the government already knows the actual citizens but citizens are often indifferent and unwilling to question the so prone to misappropriation of aid .Let us active role overseeing all government funding that is provided to the citizens.
There are still many people who need government assistance even our helping hand, whether our society has no heart? Just enrich themselves? Not our society is concerned, people still have the heart to berbagi.Saudara our brothers around the country still needs government support , those who sit in the chair of the board, those in senayan if you are still using the name of the people? deputies meant to represent the voice of the people but it is often the fate of the neglected, if aid should be in the survey correctly and go directly to the community, so that it knows which communities who need help and do not, not the random survey, the origin of the command to the subordinate while the boss does not know who entered the list of the survey and this makes any assistance do not slip and fall on target

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