Selasa, 24 November 2015


Who are the terrorists? As the title above Terrorists are people who are always spread terror to others, could be the personal, group, or symbols negara.Tujuannya show that they were there and every time they always make the intrigue to fool the terrorists musuh.Ada that the aim is only looking for money, they will do a terror to a place that if a lot of his money but they do not terrorize the symbols of the state such as the police, prosecutors, the terrorists who seek money, which further terrorist in the name of religion, this terrorist is considered dangerous Why? Because there is a "religion" so this is a very sensitive person would not like them but the same religion, but it looks like an evil person so a dilema.Cara works they will indoctrinate others to come to an understanding with them, their ideology instilled in people the knowledge religion is only a fifty-fifty, or the victims are people who do not know anything, because they are easy to hasut, example:
ð Terror to others is considered jihad; Whereas when someone provide for his family is also jihad, the jihad help others, respect for others is also jihad.
ð Doing terror will go to heaven; Log Heaven knows only GOD Almighty, how many charities us to measure in heaven? because we are in the world still collect charity to reach heaven.
When to 2 above instilled in them the knowledge of the religion bit surely they will follow the instigator, Who does not want to fight jihad? Who would not want to if go to heaven? Usually Terror is done to the state symbols, and create chaos among religions, they will make noise when certain religious festivals and even official government events and any other events.
When did they launch the Action?
· They take action when the security guard was busy.
· They will divert the attention of security officers.
· They form a team when there are events that will be attacked, Suppose they want to attack Jakarta but the other team will distract with terror in Surabaya, this is done so that the security and intelligence fooled.
· In October, they usually prepare a terror plot in December or New Year's Eve event

To avoid permanent trust in GOD Almighty, do not easily provoked by the seduction of people to group interests, remain vigilant because the terror is always around us without our knowing it, the security forces are also on alert as they search for our inadvertence.

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