Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

One victim upbringing Television

One victim upbringing Television

Lately a lot of shocking news began 2000s, events have struck the children of primary school or elementary school, many elementary school students are victims of violence of their own guys not least those who lost their lives, what happens to them? Well they do violence because too often watch television that always makes events that show violence, in fact if the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) will act to filter the programs of violence that may not happen, often puhak parents blame for not guiding while watching the event on television, the fact if sanag children watching at home, but what if the child is watching television at a friend's house or their neighbor? There are still a lot of wealth of this country to be dug and create an event that can educate our children, the children can be in students through television programs can build the character of children to be better and do not happen again victims of violence inspired by television programs, actually KPI is the Commission can choose programs that educate children but why a lot of television are still broadcasting violent programs, why there are still many television shows that did not educate, track National also rarely memorized as many television shows are always broadcast music and seem to national songs and regional rarely aired on television in the carrying school children rarely taught national songs ultimately make the school children now no longer recognize national song or track area.
Not only violence adopted by school children now, but there are other things they learn crime will be undertaken in a movie scene on television as happened in november 2015 in the jurisdiction sidoarjo a student was killed at the hands of her boyfriend just because trivial, actions taken as done in the movie scene, rape, juvenile delinquency is almost 80% done because watching television shows and even on the internet, now how governments respond to these things?, what television shows presenting violence is still running or multiply event which is to educate children to be polite is more nationalistic and do not forget the traditions and culture of the nation, How KPI measures to address this? Press radiopun containing no provocation, it broadcasts educating of minorities be crushed.
Restore our children, watch television without violence, not polluting our children's minds with anarchy, all we submit to the IEC to conduct surveillance of radio and television shows.

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