Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Comfortable in prison

The joy Prison
The above title is not meant to invite you to go to jail but how real life in prison, many people do not want to live in prison because the prison is very scary but the fact is why a lot of people out of jail is not a deterrent but they committed a crime back when released from prison many recidivists out of jail, not because they are in prison less time but the atmosphere makes them no deterrent.
About 10 years ago I was involved a stint in jail, the first time I entered the prison is extremely surprising to me when I saw the atmosphere of prisons are many stalls selling even if I look up a lot of television aerials towering almost resembles a residential area even invisible if The prison, only difference is no gate and guarded by the guards, and even buying and selling, it is a prison for criminals, how to jail the corrupt?
Many news came when the jail the corrupt was better than prison other criminals, it is a fresh breeze for the corrupt to get back into corrupt how not, Corruption 5 billion sentence is only four years there is the facility again, I wonder if corruption was difficult to eradicate because of penalties very light, better again no tripping corruption council members were told to stop but strangely still receive salaries is quite ironic.
Prison should create a deterrent, but why they are out of prison even be proud of? It is time the government made a prison that should deter the occupants no longer exists recidivism, the prison quarantine for criminals or perpetrators of crime, even some drugs are controlled from behind bars, it is not feasible khan called the prison to hear overseas people sentenced to prison for 44 years when in exit dar prison he was no longer familiar surroundings again and this can make it a deterrent.
In Indonesia why prisons are often made people want to laugh at the prison exit instead deterrent even proud and back again commit a crime, the punishment is also different is usually a layman would be heavy but if the perpetrator acting very light sentence, but my advice shun evil, shun acts kriminal.lakukan with thing positive to build an advanced nation, a safe, peaceful and prosperous, actually the prison was a what? why no television in prison, why there is a kiosk in prison? this is the fact why the prison population is not a deterrent, because the outside and inside prison is not no difference.

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